Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dr. Seuss Horton Hears a Who Horton Child Costume

Includes: Headpiece and jumpsuit. Socks not included. This is an officially licensed Horton Hears a Who costume.
Customer Review: floppy hat
costume is very cute and light weight, however the hat is a little flimsy it doesn't stay stanidng up the way it looks in this picture. as soon as you put it on it flops back. my son didn't even notice which is good but i am still trying to figure out how i am going to keep it up on halloween:-0

Samhain, the traditional Celtic holiday, literally means summers end. The Celts divided the year into two seasons, representing light and dark. The first day of each season held a celebration, with Beltane on May 1st and Samhain on November 1st.

Samhain was an important festival, as it welcomed new beginnings and a new year for the Celts. It also symbolized a union or communality between people. Bonfires were lit by people within a village. While the bonfire blazed, villagers extinguished all other fires. Each family would then light its hearth from the common flame of the bonfire, bonding the families of a village together.

Samhain Eve was a time of reflection for the Celts, and a time for honoring the dead. This particular time of year signified the final harvest, a time of gathering and preparing for winter. Often winter was a time of famine and some would not survive through the long months ahead. Samhain was a way of honoring those who had died, a celebration of the spirit remembered.

It was a common belief that the veil between the world of the living and the world of the dead was thinnest on the eve of Samhain. In Modern times, many have twisted this thought to evil intent, though its origin is much more honorable. The dead could return on this one night to the places where they had lived, and food and entertainment were provided in their honor. This symbolized a village existing in harmony with its past, present and future.

This also led to the tradition of lighting a single candle in a window, to light the way for ancestors to find their way home. Food offerings were also left on doorsteps for the spirits (which led to our modern trick or treating).

It was the Romans who added their Feast of the Dead to the celebration of Samhain. The Christians destabilized the holiday by introducing All Saints Day on November 1st, and re-naming October 31st to All Hallows Eve, which later became Halloween. For Christians, All Saints Day celebrates the spirits in Heaven and Purgatory. It became customary to bang pots and pans together on the eve of All Saints Day, to let the souls in Hell know they werent forgotten.

Samhain is also a major celebration of Wiccans, one of their eight holy Sabbats. For Wiccans, it is also a time of celebrating the past and the future to come. Many Pagans celebrate the New Year at this time.

Though the holiday has changed over the years, its intent remains clear it is a celebration of respect for the dead and a celebration of the new beginning that is to come. It is a holiday that commemorates the togetherness of a community.

Tonia Jordan is an author on http://www.Writing.com which is a site for Writers.

She is also a stringer for the Standard Speaker, a Pennsylvania newspaper, and is editor of Word of Mouth Magazine.

The Nightmare Before Christmas Disney Sally Plus Adult

Colorful patchwork costume includes dress, glovelettes and wig. This is an officially licensed ©Disney costume. Make-up and socks not included.

There are a few things to remember when trying to put together hilarious Halloween costumes. If you follow these recommendations, you should be getting the laughs you want.

First, remember that not everyone draws the same line between funny and offensive. This isn't a matter of excessive political correctness, it's simply a matter of respecting differences of opinion. Avoid costumes that make their joke by poking fun at hot button issues like race, gender and religion.

Almost everything is fair game on Halloween, but there are few areas that remain a little too sensitive when you're going for laughs. Even if you're a devil-may-care personality, you undoubtedly want to be respectful. Don't tread on dangerous ground.

Second, what were once hilarious Halloween costumes may now be tired and dull. Every joke loses its pizzazz after it's been told a few million times. If you want to get people smiling, avoid pulling out the same old "joke" costumes that are used year after year. The best way to earn chuckles is to bring something new to the party. Come up with a new idea or find a commercial costume that's fresh and that hasn't been seen on thousands of people.

Third, remember that a joke isn't very funny if you need to explain it. Truly hilarious Halloween costumes get the joke across on looks alone. If you put yourself in a situation where you're going to need to explain yourself over and over again, you're not going to get the desired effect. Make sure your funny costume gets a laugh with a glance, not a story.

Hilarious Halloween costumes can be a great idea--but they really do need to work the right way to be effective. If you keep these three tips in mind, you'll be in a great position to get the laughs this Halloween.

Find The Perfect Halloween Costume Online: http://halloween-tips.com/